Ananta is a Sanskrit word which means limitless, infinite and expansion. Each human being is born with 6 to 10 specific sound frequencies that impact each aspect of one’s life.
Ananta is a meditation app with a custom experience build on the user's experience and their specific purposes to encourage a daily experience of guided meditation, mantra meditation and interest driven challenges to achieve personal goals.
In Ananta's second version, users can join audio guided meditation and theory groups lead by an instructor or guide. This feature provides an individual experience but enhanced by the aura of the live content, the connection with a real instructor and the feeling of being part of a group.
Tools and Approach
Tools : Miro, Sketch, Invision, Figma, Miro

Approach : user experience research including comparative research and competition analysis, survey, user interview, personas. User experience design including user journey map, user flow, information architecture, wireframes, detailed mockups and interactive prototypes.
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